Inspiring Encounters

we are Melbourne's leading sustainable building experts

Sometimes you meet people that inspire you! Today was one of those days.

Being a small business owner has its ups and downs…That constant internal dialogue always asking……

Are these long hours’ worth it?? Do people really care about what we are doing?? Should I just get a 9-5??

These questions are constantly going through my head….They are consciously challenging my will to push forward with SHM.

Of course, they are outweighed with our vision……To see EVERYBODY employ an eco-conscious outlook when building their family home!

This pinnacle in the horizon is the beacon that keep us going!! But it’s easy for it to get clouded… By financial responsibility…..The burden of a business on lifestyle etc etc. But just within the last week I have had two experiences that have given me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside…And the assurance that what we are doing is all worthwhile!

The first happened when I was chatting with a client about the progress of their home extension in Brunswick. I asked how everything was and how Al our supervisor is going? She was quick to respond with “Al is so great, he has been so patient with us..…. He has such a good eye for detail too”. I couldn’t have asked for a better response….They went on to say, “We keep telling people about you guys and how lucky we are to have got you, considering we had no idea what we were looking for”. Words cannot express how pleased I was to hear this! It’s the sort of response that makes it all worthwhile…

The construction of a home is a team effort…As these same owners said prior to beginning the works… ”The contract is just a mandatory document that outlines worst case scenarios...It’s about how we work together as a team”.

Our week of serendipity doesn’t end there…People may know we squeeze the four members of our office team into a little office in the front room of my house in North Carlton! We often get visitors…

But yesterday a couple arrived unannounced at our front door.

I answered the door to Mel and Oscar who had just moved to Melbourne from Perth. "Mel follows us on Insta, and they have no insulation” Oscar said. “We are staying in a NEW townhouse in Brunswick, and it is so cold”. Mel said of course had to agree…….after all my time in Europe did inspire my passion…... to bring a better standard of home building to Australia!

Mel and Oscar moved to Melbourne to escape the mining in WA and do something better for our environment! I think we all want to do something good in this world…Nobody wants to jeopardize our children’s future…

I have taken great inspiration from both these encounters… The feeling I get when people verbalize their appreciation……makes it all worthwhile! I wish both Mel and Oscar all the best here in Melbourne and thank them for making my day! If you or anyone you know want to find out how to improve a home’s efficiency and make it more sustainable or help Mel and Oscar find a job doing some good for this world here in Melbourne shoot me a line

