Take the Energy Crisis into your own hands.

we are Melbourne's leading sustainable building experts

Everyone's been ripped off by energy companies! Take matters into your own hands and convert your home into an energy-efficient build!

At some point over the past few years we’ve all felt ripped off by our energy company.As hot a topic as our ‘energy crisis’ is nothing seems to be changing quickly.The latest solution from Malcolm Turnbull and his energy policy will see households save $2 per week within the next decade.Wowee Malcolm you’ve brought out the BIG GUNS there…it’ll only take us 48 years to save for that Family holiday to Thailand!This can’t be a reasonable solution!Fortunately, we are living in an age where we can take things into our own hands.As great as we have had it in Australia our reliance on authority and corporations is diminishing further and further each year.People are taking the ‘energy crisis’ into their own hands and are fast adopting other options such as solar panels.The installation of a $20,000 solar system on a $500,000 home loan comes out at an additional $100 per month.A $20,000 solar system could decrease your energy bill by 50%.That beats the hell out a measly $2 per week saving!There’s a lot more strings you can add to your bow;

  • Battery technology and innovation is going through the roof.
  • Water storage may not save you a lot of money but it’s certainly a feel good solution for your garden ensuring less waste of drinking water. It’s also water security.
  • Upgrade the fabric of your home such as windows and insulation. The better your home keeps out the elements the less energy it will use.
  • Upgrade your hot water unit. There some really efficient heat pumps on the market with government paybacks.

I hope these ideas help, leave feedback if you’d like me to elaborate more.Simon Clark

