Herald Sun article

Herald Sun article

When we first started building homes in our twenties words like “environmental impact” and “thermal performance” just sounded like the green-policy jargon of bureaucrats. Sustainability and the impacts of our work were something we didn’t give much thought to....
SHM wins Sustainability Award 2018

SHM wins Sustainability Award 2018

Our Clifton Hill project in collaboration with sustainable architects from Field Office Architecture, is a finalist for the Sustainability Awards. This home was was sustainably built and designed using a range of recycled materials, energy efficient design and passive...
Don’t renovate your Home unless you absolutely have to

Don’t renovate your Home unless you absolutely have to

This has gone on too long! The age of ignorance MUST come to an end. It’s obvious we’re seeing the early stages of a world like we’ve never known. Extreme temperatures all over the world The Arctic circle has seen the worst fires on record. We’re seeing the Amazon...
How important are the materials in my home?

How important are the materials in my home?

How important are the materials my home is built from are as sustainably sourced as possible? For the sustainable nerds only. For nerds ONLY. ALERT, ALERT, Captain obvious here! Did you know your home is built from a whole bunch of materials like timber, steel and...